Saturday, March 24, 2018

Some ideas about Comparative Sociobiology & Behavioral Ecology [2007-2010] (Clara B. Jones)

NESCent Project: 2007-2010
© Clara B. Jones, Ph.D.
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent), Duke University
Revised: 2 February 2008
Introduction, Background, and Hypotheses: The purpose of this project is to conduct a
synthetic, comparative analysis of the determinants of social evolution within and across several
animal taxa, in particular, insects, fish, birds, and mammals. Social evolution, a density-dependent
effect, has been characterized in two related ways in the literature, one emphasizing an
individual’s benefits to a conspecific’s lifetime reproductive success or “inclusive fitness”
(cooperation, altruism: e.g., West, 1967), the other defining sociality as all interindividual
interactions among conspecifics and classifying it broadly as selfishness, cooperation, altruism, or
spite (e.g., Trivers, 1985), depending upon differential costs and benefits to actor and recipient.
To my knowledge, a quantitative, empirical, synthetic approach has not been undertaken on this
topic within and between families and classes, although several narrative and qualitative
assessments exist (e.g., Wilson, 1971, 1975; Vehrencamp, 1979; Helms Cahan et al., 2002).
Sociality occurs inconsistently though widely in nature, and several authors (e.g., Maynard Smith
& Szathmary, 2002; also see Taborsky, 2007) have pointed out that the evolution of social
behavior and social organization is a seminal biological transition, an insight that has been
underestimated in the scientific literature. Significantly, much debate exists not only about the
potential to derive general principles of social evolution but also about the particular parameters
of such general statements should they exist (see Crespi & Choe, 1997; Reeve, 2001; Frank,
2006; Reeve & Hölldobler, 2007; Crespi, 2007). A comparative and synthetic analysis of social
evolution has the potential to reveal patterns and processes—both conserved and taxon specific—
permitting tests of competing hypotheses for the evolution of sociality (especially Helms Cahan
et al., 2002; also see Vehrencamp, 1979; Reeve, 2001; Nowak, 2006; Frank, 2006; Reeve &
Hölldobler, 2007) as well as the identification of complementary and opposing models within and
between taxonomic groups (e.g., invertebrates and vertebrates; birds and mammals; terrestrial and
aquatic forms; arboreal and terrestrial species). These works lead to the following tests:
Patterns and processes in the dataset will reveal a “series” or “trajectory” of events
about dispersal, breeding, and alloparental care (after Helms-Cahan et al., 2002).
This approach permits the construction of a decision tree for each unit within and
between taxa and the quantitative analysis of alternative “trajectories” including
benefits and constraints once a database based upon empirical results for these factors
has been assembled. Helms Cahan et al. (2002, Table 1, p. 210) provide a
preliminary, qualitative schema based upon data for ≈50 species; however, the
proposed database would expand this treatment to the broadest possible range of taxa
among insects, fish, birds, and mammals based upon empirical reports, both
published and unpublished. The primary hypothesis derived from the schema of
Helms-Cahan et al. is: Social evolution is a function of differential benefits and
constraints from dispersal, breeding, and alloparental care.
Recent attempts to formulate synthetic statements of social evolution (e.g.,
Vehrencamp, 2000; Reeve, 2001; Crespi, 2005; Faulkes et al., 1997; Reeve &
Hölldobler, 2007) have advanced somewhat different suites of characteristics than
those of Helms Cahan et al. (2002). As a result, the proposed database will include,
as well, measures of costs of reproduction, “reduced reproduction”, tradeoffs between
helping and offspring production, the presence or absence of castes, coefficients of
within-group relatedness, intragroup competition, and intergroup competition,
expanding the hypothesis above by several factors.
The proposed database would, also, permit quantitative tests of Vehrencamp’s (1979)
narrative schema of “evolutionary routes to sociality”. Specifically, this author
proposes “familial” (solitary, subsocial, intermediate subsocial, and eusocial) and
parasocial” (solitary, communal, quasisocial, semisocial, and eusocial) routes as
trajectories differentiating classes of social organisms. In addition to providing a
quantitative treatment of these ideas, the proposed review would evaluate these
routes” across a broad range of taxa.
Nowak (2006) has recently proposed five “rules for the evolution of cooperation”:
kin selection, direct reciprocity, indirect reciprocity, network reciprocity, and group
selection. This author provides theoretical treatments for each strategy (“rule”), and
the realism of his results can be evaluated by the proposed analysis.
The proposed review will also permit tests of Frank’s (2006) theoretical formulations
concerning the differential effects for social evolution of kin selection and
repression of competition” (Frank, 1995, 1998, 2006) in addition to other work on
the topic of “policing” (Ratnieks & Wenseleers, 2005). Combined with the questions
based upon the analysis of Helms Cahan et al. (2002), the new project may yield
insights into the necessary and/or sufficient factors favoring social evolution.
Previous work has sometimes viewed social effects and sexual/reproductive effects as
effectively the same (West, 1967; also see Taborsky, 1994; Reeve, 2001; Reeve &
Hölldobler, 2007). Importantly, however, recent treatments demonstrate the value of
treating Mating Systems and Social Systems from a coevolutionary perspective
(Crespi, 2007, Figure 20.1). The present project will follow Crespi’s (2007)
paradigm in its specification, delineation, and analysis of character traits/states, both
those advanced in the previous literature and those deemed particularly significant by
this author and her future collaborators (e.g., quantified local effects as they might
influence density-dependence (see West et al., 2002). Paucity of available datasets
may require collaboration with one or more theoreticians and analyses of data will
require consultation with biometricians and, possibly, specialists in bioinformatics.
Related to the above, several authors have emphasized the importance of
polymorphisms and polyphenisms for behavioral expression (e.g., West-Eberhard,
2003; Jones, 2005a, b), and it has been noted that development involves “the
ontogeny of all aspects of the phenotype, at all levels of organization, and in all
organisms” (West-Eberhard, 2003, p. vii). Hypothetically, the current conceptual
framework might be conducted at any or all levels of biological/organismal analysis
from the molecular to the community, tasks that appear at this point in time to be
daunting. Clearly, judgment calls will need to be made concerning the parameters
and logistics of the present project, decisions to be made in accord with collaborators
and advisors.
As discussed in Jones (2005a, c; also see Jarvis, 1978; Lovegrove & Wissel, 1988; Heinze &
Keller, 2000; Jones & Agoramoorthy, 2003; Russell et al., 2003; Whitfield, 2006; Toth et al.,
2007), the literature on social evolution provides many indicators that energetic factors, in
particular, energy savings, may provide fundamental explanations for its rise (e.g., Leontideus
rosalia: Kleiman, 1977; Kierulff & Rylands, 2003). I am particularly interested in the potential
for pathways sensitive to energy-maximization and/or energy-savings to be implicated across taxa
in the evolution of complex sociality (see, especially, Schoener, 1971; Toth et al., 2007 and
references). Ultimately, it is likely that mathematical expressions of the fundamental energetic
aetiology of sociality can be expressed as a function of body mass (m) derived from the
fundamental relation, E= mc2. This treatment requires that the database envisioned herein include
information on environmental regimes (e.g., food dispersion and quality) that can be treated
quantitatively with the factors advanced by Helms Cahan et al. (2002). Other measures of
possible significance (e.g., resource patchiness and/or environmental stochasticity; see Emlen,
1973; Roughgarden, 1979) can, also, be added to the analysis and to the factors included in our
main hypothesis stated above, decisions that will be refined as the program progresses.
Figure 1 (see © Clara B. Jones)
displays suggested directions of potential conflict(s) (differential optima) where one class
or category of individuals imposes costs in inclusive fitness upon another class or
category of individuals (closed arrows) to which the latter may respond
adaptively (broken arrows). Each of these potential conflicts among interacting
individuals or groups from different age-sex categories (or from the category of
interaction between food and females) may be analyzed in the context of generalized
conflict theory” (e.g. Rice, 2000; Gavrilets, 2000; Burt & Trivers, 2006), including
mechanisms of coevolution resulting from evolutionary “arms races” (Van Valen, 1973).
Across taxa, the evolution of social behavior (interindividual interactions among
conspecifics) is likely to reveal the significance of causes, mechanisms, functions, and
consequences of patterns of conflict for complex sociality--the repression of competition
by selfish, cooperative, altruistic, or spiteful behavior."
Search Strategy for the Analysis: In addition to the solicitation of unpublished data,
conventional search strategies will be employed, including searching databases (e.g., Biosis,
PubMed) and secondary sources (e.g., Wilson, 1971, 1975). Other approaches will be evaluated
with one or more collaborators as the project proceeds, with data quality issues always in mind.
Sample “Call for Data”: An Excel file detailing all variables will be provided to potential
contributors for input of data with 6 month timeframe for submission of data and ≈2 year
timeframe for assembly of database.
Potential Confounding Variables/Data Quality Issues: Judgment calls will need to be made by
the author and her future collaborator(s) concerning, in particular: assessing error, including
treatment of empty cells (if appropriate to the quantitative analyses, confidence intervals will be
assigned); related to the prior issue: it is unlikely that the shapes of the populations of sampling
distributions can be assessed; uneven quality of data, in particular, unpublished data;
inconsistencies between data for the same species; definitions of factors (e.g., primary vs.
secondary dispersal; varieties of co-breeding); architecture of dataset relative to methods of
quantitative analysis (How to analyze large comparative datasets?), etc. Since much of the theory
upon which the present project is based is relatively recent, a major problem will be to assemble
complete datasets for a sufficient sample size. This challenge presents yet another quality issue:
using several sources to assemble complete sets of information for the same species. With
patience and diligence and with input from a variety of colleagues, these and remaining quality
issues are likely to be minimized for a first approximation of the outlined objectives and
conceptual framework using multivariate and/or regression treatments as well as comparative
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